4 Easy Tips on Beginning Your Day with God in 2025

A lot of us, as Christian women, will have “spending more time with God” as one of our top goals for 2025. If it’s yours, too, then congratulations! God is looking forward to you spending time with Him, and He has a lot to share with you this year, sister! 🙂

When we think of spending time with God, though, we tend to cast a vision that often mirrors the quiet time routines that Christian influencers share on TikTok.

We’re talking cute Bibles with highlighted verses, aesthetic handwritten notes in the margins, a steaming mug of caramel-colored coffee, and a white fuzzy blanket to top it all off.

Do you ever wonder if your quiet time can look like theirs?

While “put-together” quiet times are fun and inspirational, social media can force us to think our quiet time must be absolutely perfect every morning.

But some mornings, it might be all we can do to just get out of bed and read a verse. And you know what? It’s okay.

God delights in you as you are. He doesn’t need you to carefully craft a quiet time that perfectly emulates the one you see on social media.

He just wants quality time with you, daughter.

So how can you focus on building a quiet time routine that allows you to spend quality time with Him and that works for you?

Fear not! Read on to discover four easy ways you can meet your new year’s goal of spending more time with God in 2025—and to get access to a freebie quiet time menu!

Reflect On Your Current Lifestyles and Routines

In order to figure out the best quiet time routine for you, you first must reflect on what your day looks like and what stages of life you are in right now. To get you started, here are a few journaling prompts. So grab your nearest journal and dive right in!

  • Your daily schedule. What does your current morning schedule look like? What are your daily morning habits and responsibilities? How much time do you realistically have in the morning to spend uninterrupted time with God? Do you have more time to devote to God in the mornings or evenings? What are possible distractions and how can you postpone them until you’ve spent time with God?

  • Your current moods, emotions, and energy levels. Do you wake up groggy or jump out of bed upon waking up? How do you feel each morning after you get out of bed? Does your brain think more clearly in the mornings or later in the evenings?

  • Your seasons of faith. Are you on fire for God right now? Or are you sitting in the embers and ashes of your faith? What are your needs during either of these seasons?

Knowing what your life realistically looks and feels like in the morning (or evening if you’re a night owl girlie) will allow you to choose the best times and ways for you to spend quality time with God.

Choose When, Where, & How You’re Going to Spend Quality Time with Him

After reflecting on your current lifestyle and routines in the morning, the next step is to determine when, where, and how you are going to spend quality time with your Father. Remember this: God just wants to spend time with you in any way possible! Your quiet time does not have to follow any status quo quiet time routines on social media, as long as you are learning more about Him!

Here’s a freebie resource that can help you choose how to spend time with God each morning! It has a choice board full of quiet time options to choose from, plus a day-by-day tracker to keep yourself accountable for showing up with God every day.

  • When

    • Decide on a morning or evening time with God. If you find that you’re just not a morning person, consider reading a quick five-minute devotional in the morning to start your day right with God and then devoting a longer time in your evening to truly sitting down and spending time with Him.

    • Focus on quality over quantity of time. While there’s a status quo that quiet time has to be minimally 30 minutes long (with reading, worshipping, and praying all crammed in), there’s no rule saying quiet time can’t be 5 minutes of prayer kneeling by your bedside followed by 5 minutes of worship while you shower. Like mentioned above, our moods and situations change from day to day. The quantity doesn’t matter. However long you spend, just make sure it is quality time with God.

  • Where

    • Find or create a space away from the world. Jesus often went up on a mountain side to get away from people, culture, and society to truly isolate Himself. On that mountain, it was just God and Him. We should seek to follow Jesus’s example and do the same in our quiet times.

    • Mold your space to be quiet, comfortable, and peaceful. Our mountainsides look different nowadays (obviously). And while it’s cool if you live close enough to a mountain to literally go up on the mountainside with God (which, totally jealous by the way), God is just as happy with you spending time with Him if it’s in your closet or in your car. Consider also your bed, kitchen table, a corner in your office, the back porch, a coffee shop, or the library. The places are optional—but what is not optional is spending time with your Father Who loves you. 🙂

  • How

    • Read the Bible. Choose a book to read and focus on a chapter or section of a chapter each day. It does not matter how slowly or quickly you progress through the book, as long as you are listening to the Holy Spiritreveal truths about God’s Word along the way!

    • Practice Bible journaling. Writing down the revelations the Holy Spirit gives you during reading is a great way to record all that you are learning about God and His Word! Bible journaling can take on different forms, such as: verse mapping, writing chapter outlines, summarizing the chapter, and/or writing insights on the chapter. If you enjoy drawing, consider creating art based on the Holy Spirit’s revelations, too! If this option interests you, Pinterest has a great collection of ideas and examples to help get you started.

    • Pray. Pray out loud. Write your prayer down in a journal. Set up a prayer corner in your closet where you can pin/tape prayer requests to the wall and spend time talking with God. Go on a prayer walk in nature. Whichever way you choose to pray, make sure you’re conversing with God daily!

    • Listen. It is just as important to listen to what God wants to tell us as it is to take our worries and concerns to Him. Write down what He says to you in your Bible or prayer journal. Go up on your mountainside—wherever that is—and be still. Be silent. Listen.

    • Worship. Sit somewhere comfortable, put on a Christian worship list on Spotify, and praise our loving, good God! Including worship in our quiet time routines allows us to take the spotlight off ourselves and put it on the God Who created us and loves us beyond any understanding of love we could ever have!

Practice Having A Sincere Heart Over a Religious Sacrifice

“For I desire loyalty and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.” —Hosea 6:6

God literally just wants to spend time with you. That’s it.

So if you wake up one morning and are gung-ho on studying Matthew 4 for an hour straight, great! But if you wake up the next day with barely any energy to get out of bed, know that lying there and just talking to God while resting in bed is an option, too. In either circumstance and everything in between, God just wants to spend time with you. He just wants to hear your heart.

We often think that having our quiet time while still laying in bed isn’t a true quiet time. Guess what? God loves that! It’s the same feeling as having a child falling asleep in your arms. Speaking from experience, resting in God’s presence like that actually makes me feel so much more whole, complete, and energized for the day!

Do not worry if you cannot sacrifice a whole hour of Bible reading and prayer every morning. God would rather you loyally show up and truly seek His face for five minutes than you stumble apathetically through a whole hour of Bible reading that you won’t remember the next day.

Don’t Be Afraid to Switch Things Up

Here’s another unspoken status quo for quiet time routines: it has to be the same each day.

Newsflash: it doesn’t need to be the same! You’ll get bored when it’s the same. Then you’ll get apathetic, and there goes the sincere heart God wants you to show up with during your time with Him.

Imagine you’re talking with a friend and their eyes glaze over. That’s probably how God sees us—with our eyes glazed over— when we show up to spend time with Him with apathy in our hearts.

Depending on your mood, energy, and time, don’t be afraid to spend 30 minutes one morning and 5-10 minutes the next. Don’t be afraid to read and study the Word one day and then listen to a few worship songs the next morning.

Our loving God knows you will feel different every day, daughter of God. He will meet you wherever you are! So if that’s in bed with a cold when you can only squeeze a few sincere words from your heart before you fall asleep in His Presence, then He’ll take that! He’ll love it!

What He won’t love is you forcing yourself out of bed while sick to read a chapter from His Word when your heart is not fully present. The Holy Spirit cannot speak to you when your heart’s not there, daughter of God.

So just show up how you are, and He will meet you there in the quiet place.

Drop a comment below and share what your quiet time looks like right now!


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