Welcome to The Found Woman!

Welcome to The Found Woman!

We are so glad that you are here, reading and exploring our newly-launched ministry and website!

No matter where in the world you are from, what stage of life you are in, or what your current beliefs are, we believe that you are here for a reason. So grab your favorite coffee or tea, sit back and relax with a cozy blanket, and join us as we share a little bit about ourselves. 😉

Why We’re Here

In short, we’re here for two reasons:

for God and for you.

As with everything in life, we would not be here if God had not called us to start this ministry or had given us the grace and ability to do so. It is His intention that, through this ministry, He will share the gospel story with His daughters—both those who believe and those who are not sure if they believe.

Either way, He sees you. He loves you. He knows you.

He wants you to know Him, too.

That’s why, for years, He has planted this ministry in my heart. Just as He has found me in my times of disbelief, darkness, and loneliness, so now He wants me to help Him do the same for so many other women who were either once in my place or are now there.


That’s what I was. I had walked, stumbled, and run into places where depression, anxiety, loneliness, fear, and other demons of darkness entrapped me in my own mind. I was numb. I was growing distant from God. I was not sure if I could ever escape this darkness.

I can tell you this much, though: God is a God Who sees us where we are and loves us so much that He meets us there.

He brings us out of the pit and sets our feet on solid ground. He leaves the 99 sheep in the pen to pursue the one who walked away. He sent and sacrificed His own Son to die for us, just so that He could save us from that very darkness that plagues us.

So when I say that God has given me this ministry to help those women who have been, are, or will be where I have been, I do not say it from a place of soaring ego or superiority. For from it, in fact. I am still learning to fully lean on God to help me start this ministry and continue to run it.

I sincerely mean it from the bottom of my found soul—a soul that still gets lost often. It is my prayer that I will be a steadfast vessel for God to find His one daughter who is lost. For God to draw closer to Him the 99 daughters who are found and desire to walk with Him daily and grow ever closer to Him.

This ministry is for you, daughter of God.

Will You let Him meet you wherever you are?

Where We’re Going

The Found Woman is a ministry of various platforms that combines to provide you with godly content and resources that uplift, inspire, encourage, and teach you in your faith and in your day-to-day life. You can find these platforms by visiting:

  • Our website: you can expect our website to always have gospel resources to help you draw closer to God and a prayer inbox to contact us when you’re in need of prayer. We’ll be more than happy to pray for you and alongside you! You also have access to our blog, which will discuss everything from faith, womanhood, relationships, lifestyle, productivity, and more. Make sure to sign up for our weekly email newsletter, The Vine, to stay up-to-date on what’s happening in our ministry!

  • Our socials: while we have not expanded to every social platform yet, you can follow our Facebook page to receive frequent words of encouragement, stay up-to-date on what’s happening in the ministry, and interact with a community of Christian women!

Comment down below or contact us with any specific content you would like to see on our platforms! What topics do you seek God’s wisdom and encouragement?

What This Means for You

We live in a modern society of information overload. 90-100% of our days are spent saturated in technology. Floods of information pass through our brains daily.

How do you filter and choose the content that will benefit you instead of harm you? Better you instead of demean you? Inspire you instead of discourage you?

Through our ministry—no matter which platforms you gravitate toward—we aim to provide you with resources and content that allow you to grow in your relationship with God and to lean into an godly, intentional, and content life!

You won’t just get another YouTube short of the latest dance trend. Or a TikTok that spreads gossip and hate. Or a YouTube video that takes away from your life instead of adding to it. Or a blog that leads you toward negative thinking versus godly thinking.

Content like this can be detrimental to our spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional well-being, especially in a world where darkness is quick to sweep the rug out from underneath us and send us spiraling.

But with us, you get a safe space. A place where God meets you, loves you, and uplifts you. A community of women from all walks of life joining together to live alongside each other and to encourage each other to grow in our faith and in our personal lives. A corner of the Internet where you can remind yourself of the gospel, ask for prayer, and dive into a Bible study—without any fear, shame, or guilt.

You’re in the right place!

You can start your faith journey with God here.

You can start living for God more here.

Because this ministry is all for you. Jesus says in John 10:10, “I have come to give them life in abundance.” This ministry is His way of saying, “Hey, I know you. I love you. I want you to know Me. I want you to walk with Me. I want to live life together with you.”

Will You follow the sound of His voice? Will you listen to that nudge deep inside of your spirit that there’s something more to life than darkness and fear and being lost?

Really . . . what do you have to lose?


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