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Come on in and be a part of our woman-to-woman conversations and devotionals on all things faith, lifestyle, womanhood, relationships, and productivity. Make sure to pour a warm drink in your favorite mug before you sit down with a cozy blanket and dive right in!
Personal Bible Study: Transforming into God’s Proverbs 31 Woman
Perhaps, instead of believing it impossible to measure up to the Proverbs 31 woman, we should simply aim to be more like Christ. And through the process, God will not only dole out back to us measures of Christlikeness—“pressed down, shaken together, and running over”—but measures of the Proverbs 31 woman, also.
Name Change! Lean into the Name God Has for You
I don’t know what the names are that you call yourself in the middle of the night when you’re lying awake in bed. I don’t know the stories you believe about yourself when you look in the mirror and see your reflection. I don’t know the excuses you think of when someone compliments you to counteract what they see in you. But I do know this: God calls us as He sees us—not as we see ourselves.